If You In NY....Influencer 10

Influencer10 is a 2-day conference in New York City designed to bring together key influencers in technology, marketing & advertising, arts & music, philanthropy and entrepreneurship to discuss the current and future landscape of Influencer culture. The symposium will feature a series of panel discussions and presentations by thought leaders and marketing and brand managers.
The Influencer 10 Conference will be held on Thursday, September 30th and on Friday, October 1st at 45 Bleecker.

45 Bleecker features two fully-equipped theaters and offers a setting that is perfectly suited for Influencer 10. The venue plays host to festivals, art events, and operas.

For information on how to participate or sponsor Influencer10 please email:

influencer10@freedmc.com or contact 718.706.7220

Its Booked but check it out on Live stream



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